Black Rednecks and White Liberals

# Part1

Cracker history or redneck history stemming from lazy irish immigrants rubbed off on southern blacks so much so that when the great migration occured the blacks brought crime and wild southern ways. No coincidence that the KKK might have emerged out of that ruckus right.

# Part 2

Middleman minorities earn the eyre of the societies they integrate into because of their economic success.

# Part3

Slavery has some bad effects and some good effects but everyone was doing it. There is no need to compare the implementation because all slavery was the same.

# Part 4

Really tho, middleman minorities are so successful that Germans turned to persecute them out of spite clearly. Most didn't even care about Jews being Jews...

# Part 5

Blacks can learn at school and do but those dancing kappas obsessed with looking good ruined the colleges. WEB Dubois and Booker T would be ashamed.

Part 6

Seriously. Every culture commits mass genocide or commits some war atrocitiy. Just because some Australian lady feels bad about genocide doesn't mean that it's their fault. There aren't any indigenous people around to tell you how they feel anyway so be objective when you speak about history.

it was some of the wonky idiosyncrasies of the main tenants featured in each essay that causes me worry. Like bro what culture was in place such that the Holocaust could happen. For some of the largest social ills of the last 300 years to be committed exclusively in the Western hemisphere and against brown people and those of minority background is unique and deserve its own appreciation. I just have a feeling that slavery in Rome and slavery in China were two very different cultural phenomenons. I am asked not to consider the cultural significance of slavery but to consider the cultural significance of the population slaves adapted there culture from. Ok. I just have a strong feeling that legislation that intensified violence against blacks had something to do with this a priori. Or maybe blacks just needed to chill and wait for America to give them their rights. Like I could not understand the civil rights period If I read only Thomas Sowell. But I do think he provides the strongest counter argument against systematic oppression being the main foil to black progress. And he asked us to consider very real alternatives to the slave oppression narrative. Maybe instead of adopting Irish culture we should have adopted northern culture or perhaps Jewish culture or immigrant culture I'm not sure. Thomas Sowell asks us to be responsible with how we attribute race to our place in life while offering no insight into how race plays out in life. I am confused